Prison Rape Elimination Act
The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) prompted the creation of mandatory national standards to eliminate rape and other forms of sexual abuse in confinement settings.
In the process of becoming compliant with Section 115.322 of these standards, Prairie Lakes Youth Programs has a zero tolerance policy concerning all forms of sexual abuse, sexual misconduct, and sexual harassment of PLYP residents.
These policies can be found by clicking here.
Reporting Abuse
If you suspect sexual abuse has happened at PYLP, you may call Julie Messenbrink the PLYP PREA Coordinator, at (320)231-1729, or you may fill out the Third Party Reporting Form. Please have any information or evidence available for the investigator who will be assigned to handle the case. False accusations may be prosecuted. All reports are taken seriously and investigated as outlined in PREA.
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