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Captain's Academy

Non-Secure Program


Contact Information

1804 Civic Center Drive NE
P.O. Box 902
Willmar, MN 56201-0902

Telephone: 320-235-0975
Click here for map

Non-Secure Program Director: 

Lonnie Sanchez

Assistant Program Director:

Fay West

Transitional/Independent  Living Program

High School Age Males

This program will provide independent living skills and transitional services to support youth needing help with the transition from placement back into the community. These residents will be given the tools necessary to successfully live on their own.  Each resident will learn how to set and accomplish individual goals, how to manage their time, and how to manage stress. They will have the opportunity to earn incentives by meeting program expectations and making progress on their individual case plan goals.  Case management service will be provided to each resident. Program staff will prioritize the needs of each resident based on the results of an initial screening.  This screening tool in the Daniel Memorial Assessment which covers the following 16 life skills:


  • Education  

  • Job Seeking Skills

  • Job Maintenance Skills

  • Interpersonal Skills

  • Housing

  • Emergency/Safety

  • Leisure Activities

  • Money Management

  • Health

  • Transportation

  • Food Management

  • Community Resources

  • Legal Skills

  • Housekeeping

  • Religion

  • Personal Appearance/Hygiene


Prairie Lakes Youth Programs provides an alternative to secure placements for residents who do not fit the criteria for secure detention OR who do not need secure detention. Residents may be brought into Non-Secure Detention on a warrant, 72-hour hold, a CHIPS petition, or voluntary placement agreement with a social service agency.  They may also be court-ordered to spend a specific amount of time in the Non-Secure program. There are many residents who are in need of help on a short-term basis or who need a safe environment while going through various evaluation processes. Residents in the Non-Secure unit will attend school through the Prairie Lakes School. They will also participate in the Truthought Corrective Thinking Program.  Flexible program lengths are available to both Corrections and Social Services.


Continuing Care / Halfway House for Chemical Dependency

Divine Hope will provide continuing care/halfway house services for chemical dependency. Residents admitted into this program may or may not have completed a primary CD treatment prior to admission. This program can also be used in conjunction with our Transitional/Independent Living Program. Many youth who have finished chemical dependency programming could benefit from further help with their recovery.  It is our intention to provide the continued help these residents need closer to their home communities. Our cognitive based TruThought Corrective Thinking Program will be used with all of our residents.


  • Health care provided by contracted nursing service and community based services

  • DNA testing for felony level adjudicated youth available to all counties

  • Quick Test urine analysis available upon request to all counties

  • Laboratory urine analysis available to member counties and may be arranged with non-member counties

  • Individual placement plans and bi-weekly progress reports provided for all residents of 30 days or more

  • Individual counseling with Community Outreach Counseling

  • Talking Circles

  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Visiting Days & Times


3:00pm to 5:00pm

6:00pm to 8:00pm


1:00pm to 4:00pm


1:00pm to 4:00pm

Visitor Rules

Click here for Visitor Rules in Español - Reglas De Visitantes

No weapons allowed

  • Visitors must sign visitor log.

  • PLYP has the right to search all visitors

  • Be prepared to show picture I.D.

  • Hang up coats, jackets, hats, etc.

  • Lock up purses, billfolds, car keys, cell phones, pagers, cigarettes, lighters, matches, contents of pockets, etc.  in lockers provided or leave these items in your vehicle.

  • All items brought in for your child will be searched by staff.

  • Anyone deemed to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be denied admission or asked to leave. 

  • Anyone behaving in a disrespectful, belligerent or uncooperative manner will be denied admission or asked to leave.

  • No loitering. Non-visitors must wait in vehicles.  Non-visitors disturbing the peace or loitering near the building will be asked to leave.  Law enforcement may be called.


Change Your Thinking! Change Your Life!

1808 Civic Center Drive | Willmar, MN 56201 | Phone: 320-231-1729

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