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Toldeo's Passage Secure

Detention & Corrections

Contact Information

1808 Civic Center Drive NE
P.O. Box 894
Willmar, MN 56201-0894

Telephone: 320-231-1729

Click here for map


Director: Travis Boyum

Assistant Program Director: Ashley Brinson


Transitional Counseling 

PLYP’s transition program aims to help residents bridge the gap between placement and returning to the community. Through weekly 1 on 1 sessions, residents work to develop the life skills necessary to integrate back to their families, schools, and communities.  Topics cover legal obligations, meeting conditions of probation, goal setting, community resources and vocational testing. More specific topics, such as dealing with peer pressure, anger management or values clarification are addressed on an individual basis.  Whether it is helping a resident find a job or a place to live, or helping 

them figure out what they need to stay in school or become a contributing member of their family, PLYP seeks to aid residents in planning and building for the future.

*Available to Member counties and Meeker, McLeod, Redwood, and Renville counties.  


Chemical Dependency

Outpatient chemical dependency programming is provided in house at PLYP through Divine Hope. Divine Hope's Prairie Youth Program is a primary chemical dependency treatment program designed for adjudicated delinquent youth confined to PLYP’s Correctional Program.


Residents are able to address their chemical use problems in conjunction with the consequences of their criminal behaviors. This innovative program accomplishes both correctional and chemical dependency programming for those clients in need of dual services without the need to make separate placement arrangements to incur the costs of residential treatment. Aftercare is provided. 


Community Service

PLYP has a strong community service program where residents work on in-house projects under the direction and guidance of our Community Service supervisor. Residents are able to complete a significant number of court-ordered community service hours during their stay. They also gain confidence and a sense of accomplishment as they learn new skills and work habits. Community Service hours can be earned in projects as diverse as painting, carpentry, building maintenance, or working in the PLYP garden.


PLYP Facts

  • Licensed by DOC for 23 beds

  • A completely secure and locked facility

  • Services girls and boys, ages 10 to 21

  • Residential program for longer stays

  • Flexible program lengths to meet individual needs

  • Shorter programs available

  • Detention program length flexible to meet needs of court process

  • Level based programming resulting in increased privileges

  • Time off can be earned in Correctional program



  • Health care provided by contracted nursing service and community based services

  • DNA testing for felony level adjudicated youth available to Member counties

  • Quick Test urine analysis available upon request to all counties

  • Laboratory urine analysis available and may be arranged upon request

  • Religious and spirituality needs met through contracted chaplaincy program, Youth for Christ and by visits with family clergy.   Family clergy must be approved in advance.

  • Individual placement plans and progress reports provided for all Correctional placements of 30 days or more

  • Individual Therapy offered with Community Outreach Counseling


A Typical Day

Residents get up early to shower, clean their rooms, and eat breakfast before heading next door to the PYLP School for four hours of morning classes.  After morning classes, residents return to PLYP for lunch and some leisure time with staff and peers before heading back for afternoon classes. 

Everyone is busy after school.  Those who have earned the privilege go outside to one of two recreation yards for volleyball or basketball.  Others will do aerobics or calisthenics indoors.  After physical education is over, all residents have jobs to do.  Journaling time comes next, and then free time before supper.  Residents with no other obligations may read, draw, or play games. 

Once supper is over, residents who have earned privilege may go downstairs to Canteen where they play ping pong, foosball, watch a little TV, or listen to music.  Others will spend this time quietly reading, writing letters, or engaging in other solitary pursuits.  Everyone participates in evening group where the focus of the discussion is the progress each resident has made during the day.  Both positive and negative behaviors are discussed in relation to the type of thinking used that day.  Bedtime comes as early as 9:00 pm, depending on privileges earned.

Weekends have more free time but the expectations of the program remain the same.



Visiting Days & Times


7:00am to 9:00am

3:30pm to 4:30pm

7:00pm to 8:00pm



1:00pm to 4:00pm



1:00pm to 4:00pm



Visitor Rules 

Click here for Visitor Rules in Español - Reglas De Visitantes

No weapons allowed

  • Visitors must sign visitor log.

  • PLYP has the right to search all visitors.

  • Be prepared to show picture I.D.

  • Hang up coats, jackets, hats, etc. in entryway - these will not be allowed into the facility.

  • Lock up purses, billfolds, car keys, cell phones, pagers, cigarettes, lighters, matches, contents of pockets, etc.  in lockers provided in the entryway or LEAVE THESE ITEMS ON YOUR VEHICLE.

  • All items brought in for your child will be searched by staff.

  • No food or beverages may be brought inside.

  • ALL mail - letters, cards, etc. - must go through the mail - - they may not be hand delivered.

  • Anyone deemed to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be denied admission or asked to leave. 

  • Anyone behaving in a disrespectful, belligerent or uncooperative manner will be denied admission or asked to leave.

  • No loitering. Non-visitors disturbing the peace or loitering near the building will be asked to leave.  Law enforcement may be called.


Change Your Thinking! Change Your Life!

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